Monday 18 February 2013

Once upon a time

Once upon a time there was a mother who found a pattern for a fairy tale quilt which she thought would be perfect for her daughter..... 3 years later she picked it up from the UFO pile and completed the hand quilting and binding...


  1. Thank you, Sara! It was a fun quilt to make!

  2. How on earth did you find the time to make this? It's amazing!! Did you stitch each of the blocks? I am very impressed that you hand quilted it!

  3. This was a block of the month project, so it took me a year to finish the blocks. All the blocks are embroidered by hand. The photo I took doesn't really show the details, but it was so much fun to do! I can't machine quilt to save my life - unless it's straight lines, so it's handquilting for me :)


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