Friday 2 May 2008

confessions of a book-a-holic

For the last 2 days I have been at home with a bad cold. My own remedy for a cold was quite simple - retire to bed with a good book, a nice cup of relaxing tisane and.... a huge bar of Dairy Milk chocolate (thanks to the YW/YM fundraiser). I read Kelly Denley's "Almost Perfect" on the first day, and continued my reading of "A matter of conscience" on the second day. Bad timing had it that I was in one of the chapters of High Court rulings. Having most of my grey matter replaced by snot I was struggling with the Legalese, but I am pleased to say that I conquered Mabo (1). It has been a very educational book for me as I have learned a lot about recent Australian political and judicial history, with the latter half of the book emphasising Ron Wilson's work for Human Rights/Aboriginal Rights. Very topical in this year of "sorry".

Anyway, and this is where the confession comes in, I needed an outing today. Besides milk and bread shopping I thought a visit to "Recycled Reading" might be nice so I called Tina to join me.

I love book exchanges, it is so much easier to make a new book discovery in them. I feel more inclined to make adventurous choices when I am not paying full price for a book. There is also the rather satisfying aspect of coming out with an armful of books. I bought a couple of books I have always wanted to read, but haven't got around to yet: "A short history of Tractors in Ukrainian" and "The Shipping News". Then there were books that have been recommended to me eg "A long way gone, memoirs of a boy soldier" . I also found another Barbara Kingsolver book and a Muriel Spark. But, I was really excited to find Spike Milligan's "Silly Verse for Children" that I have been on the look out for, as well as another poetry book for children. A couple of old dr Seuss books also decided to come home with me.. I would take a photo of the complete stash, but my camera is still missing.... besides, I'd hate to incriminate myself any further :)

My name is Mari, and I am a book-a-holic.......

(btw, when I walked out of the door of the book-shop I came face-to-face with "LollyWorld". I had to indulge in a pack of Penguin biscuits.... all around a terrible experience!)


  1. cool mari...cant believe you reading mabo!!!very intellectual!!go girl
    is it a law text book or just light reading hee hee
    so glad you reading the best pasine huh....dreaming of it whe this lil Josh baby grows up...but dont wnat that to happen either
    love ya

  2. oh mna can you undersatnd my last so tired i cnat type a case i know i shouldnt be allowed on the computer this late...oh man its only 8:30...need spell check
    love ya
    hee hee

  3. No, not a law text book.... just the biography of Ronald Wilson who sat on the High Court for a while... it's next month's reading for the book group and I thought I'd get a head start.

  4. Don't you just wish for more hours in the day for more reading! (I DO!)


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