Monday 8 December 2008

Handmade Christmas - pebbles and pegs to fridge magnets

The kids painted pebbles with acrylic paint.... hot glue a magnet on the back for a lovely fridge magnet. Perfect grandparent present!
Meanwhile I made clothes peg magnets. I saw this idea in a magazine..... think it might have been Better Homes and Gardens...

It's a little fiddly, but the wooden clothes pegs can be taken apart for painting and then reassembled.

A few strips of scrapbooking paper, some scrapbooking buckles and a coating of ModPodge (wonderful stuff)
I've just got to glue the magnets on and Voila! memo pegs for the fridge....


  1. Hey if you need any fridge magnets to cut up and stick on the backs I've a tonne of new ones from spring hill beef.

  2. I think they make wonderful fridge magnets - well done crafters.


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